Elektrim Low Voltage Motors IEC

0.08-220HP Low Voltage IEC Motors
Solid Severe Duty Motors for Export and Replacement of Overseas Applications
3PH TEFC 60/50 Hz NEMA AC Foot Mounted, D-Flange and C-Face Motors
- Comply with EISA 2007
- Inverter Duty Rated: 5:1CT & 10:1VT (at 460V 60Hz)
- Protection Degree: IP55
- Enclosure: TEFC F3 Rigid Cast Iron Frame
- Warranty: 3-Years
- Electromagnetic compatibility standards: EN 50081-1(2) and EN 50082-1(2)
- 56-132 frame have removable feet
- 90-112 frame motors have rotatable feet
- Terminal board standard up to and including IEC112
- VPI process applied for best electrical performance
- Oversized ball bearings on both ends: Double shielded up to IEC180, regreasable IEC200 and up
- Aluminum motor housing up to IEC112, cast iron above
- Nameplate rated 230/460V 60 Hz and 380/400V 50 Hz
- 132 frame and up are 12 lead motors allowing for 60 Hz 208/230/460/575/796V and 50 Hz 190/220/380/400/415/690V
- Class âFâ insulation
- Drilled and tapped end shaft
- All motors provided with CE mark
Contact Eastland industries for more information on Elektrim Motors